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Le style protecteur : votre meilleur ami de l'hiver !

Protective style: your best friend in winter!

Winter is here and its friends the cold and the wind do not bode well for your afro hair! But we are here to reassure you, there is a very simple way to fight the attacks of winter: the protective style! And in this field everything is possible! Discover quickly how to protect your hair from the cold to reveal sublime hair from the first rays of the spring sun.

Why use protective styles in winter?

Afro hair is dry by nature. Its curly shape prevents sebum from reaching the lengths and ends properly. In a hot and humid climate, this type of hair can flourish easily, but the low temperatures of western winter associated with wind, cold or snow can wreak havoc and accentuate this dryness. The result ? Extremely dry, brittle and weakened hair.

Styling your hair in a protective style has many advantages:

  • Protected tips

  • Better moisture retention

  • Reduces daily handling

These three advantages help keep hair long and full of vitality. And besides being good for your hair, protective styles for natural hair boost your creativity! Braids, pigtails, twists, buns... Add accessories, beads, barrettes to make your protective style unique and create your own look.

How to achieve a protective style?

The protective style should meet a few simple criteria: protect the ends, promote good hydration and last at least a few days. If you have to comb your hair or wet your hair every day, change your method! This is because getting your hair wet and going out in the cold will weaken your afro hair and create a breeding ground for moisture loss.

The ends are the most fragile parts of your hair. They need special care and protecting them by tying them in the middle of a bun or in braids is the best way to preserve them from breakage. It's a good way to keep your length all winter long!

Updos, vanillas, braids… Protective styles for natural hair come in a variety of forms. For your hairstyle to last several days, remember to protect your hair at night. For this, you can use a silk turban combined with a soft pillowcase that will preserve your protective style from frizz.

The longer a protective style lasts, the more your hair is protected. You don't have to brush them, which reduces the risk of breakage. But remember to hydrate them especially if you wear braids with extensions. Regularly apply an oil to the scalp and braids to maintain healthy hair.

Scarves and wigs in protective style

Properly used, scarves and wigs can become your protective style of choice! But there is one rule to follow: protect your hair under your turban or wig!

Repeatedly rubbing a wig or scarf can cause real damage to your hair, right from the root. A silk turban is recommended but if your favorite scarf is cotton there is a simple solution: double it with a silk turban! Thus your hair will be protected from direct contact with a cotton fabric.

The advantage of the wig as a protective style is that it allows you to change your head by varying colors and textures. Wear your hair in mats under your wig for an unsuspected result! So you can wash your hair and moisturize it daily with your favorite oil or cream.

Vary the knots with your turban and don't hesitate to add color by choosing original patterns!

Whatever your texture, a protective style will always be beneficial and will allow you to get through the winter while maintaining healthy hair! Supple, shiny, perfectly hydrated, your hair will be more radiant than ever in spring!

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Huiles et cheveux naturels : le guide

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