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  • Notre vérité sur la pousse des cheveux ✋🏾

    Our truth about hair growth ✋🏾

    How to make my hair grow faster? What routine to have long hair? Discover our advice / our truth about hair growth.
  • Kurl Fusion : la dernière innovation de la marque Les Secrets de Loly

    Kurl Fusion: the latest innovation from the Les Secrets de Loly brand

    Kurl Fusion is the latest product from the famous French brand Les Secrets de Loly. A 3-in-1 leave-in, it is the perfect combination of a milk, a jelly and a gel. Suitable for all types of curls, it is an excellent product for anyone with multiple hair textures. We reveal everything about this excellent leave-in for "multi-textured" hair.
  • Les Secrets de Loly : quels produits pour les enfants ?

    Les Secrets de Loly: which products for children?

    You probably know the brand Loly's Secrets , created by Kelly Massol. But do you know which products are suitable for the youngest? What Les Secrets de Loly treatments can you use on your children?

    Colorful Black tells you everything!

  • Comment créer et maintenir une routine capillaire ?

    How to create and maintain a hair routine?

    This is the secret to having healthy frizzy or curly hair : the hair routine ! What does the colloquial word “routine” mean? How to choose the right products for your hair type? What are the tips for maintaining your routine and seeing your hair transform over the weeks? Colorful Black guides you to adopt an effective hair routine and maintain it throughout the year.
  • Les Secrets de Loly : la nouvelle gamme de soin capillaire pour cheveux fins & bouclés « weightless-program »

    Les Secrets de Loly: the new “weightless-program” hair care range for fine & curly hair

    The leading French natural hair care brand dedicated to textured hair, Les Secrets de Loly 's mission is to beautify curly hair: well-defined curls and shinier hair. The new “Weightless-program” product line is ideal for fine, curly hair that needs volume and lightness, as well as for hair in transition. This article tells you everything!

  • Bonnet de nuit en satin Colorful Black

    Protect your curly hair with a satin nightcap

    Would you like to wake up in the morning with unruffled and easy-to-comb hair? Nightcaps are the ideal solution and are increasingly popular for protecting your hair during the night. Keeping your curls intact has, indeed, become essential.

    ...and if you are worried that this satin bonnet is not glamorous, we invite you to discover our Colorful Black models !

  • Le défrisage : la quête du cheveu lisse

    Straightening: the quest for smooth hair

    Adopted for decades, straightening is the practice of making hair permanently smooth. But hair straightening finds its beginnings during slavery, which created traumas that still persist today. Discover the beginnings of straightening as well as the risks it represents for the hair.
  • Le lissage au tanin : un lissage sain ?

    Smoothing with tannin: healthy smoothing?

    Revolution of the moment in the world of hairdressing, smoothing with tannin promises smoothing of the hair fiber without the slightest risk. But at what price for our hair? Find out what tannin smoothing is, its risks and the products Colorful Black recommends.
  • Le blanchiment de la peau : une part d’ombre

    Skin whitening: a dark side

    We often point out the use of lightening products without being interested in the mechanisms of oppression which favored this practice.

    Back to skin whitening, its beginnings and social consequences.

  • Comment différencier les huiles pour les cheveux ?

    How to differentiate hair oils?

    We are clear on it, the oil does not moisturize. But then what are the functions of the oil? There are sealing oils, nourishing oils or sometimes even both.

  • Quel masque choisir pour les cheveux bouclés / frisés / crépus ?

    Which mask to choose for curly / curly / frizzy hair?

    Choosing your hair mask depends on a number of factors. Dry, brittle or dull hair, there is a mask for every need. Colorful Black guides you in choosing the mask that will restore your hair's shine and strength.
  • L’Afro : tout un symbole

    The Afro: quite a symbol

    The Afro is one of the symbols of black identity. Our hair is steeped in history and our cultural heritage. This hairstyle has stood the test of time and has been revealed in every era and movement: slavery period, struggle to assert citizen rights, in music and cinema. Throwback to this iconic hairstyle.

  • Comment choisir sa coupe de cheveux bouclés femme ?

    How to choose your curly woman haircut?

    Unlike a piece of clothing or a style of make-up, a failed haircut cannot be removed! So if you want a hair change , be sure to have all the cards in hand to choose the best cut for curly hair .
  • Comment prendre soin de ses cheveux crépus en transition ?

    How to take care of your frizzy hair in transition?

    You want to go back to natural but the big chop is not possible? Go at your own pace going through a transition period. You will live several months or weeks with two radically different textures so it is better to arm yourself with patience! We reveal our tips for a successful transition.
  • Comment utiliser le gel aloe vera sur les cheveux bouclés ?

    How to use aloe vera gel on curly hair?

    Aloe vera is a plant whose gel is very popular for caring for and beautifying hair and skin. Made up of 99% water, aloe vera gel is the ultimate moisturizing ingredient. As a leave-in treatment, detangler, anti-dandruff or gel, find out how to use aloe vera gel on your curly and frizzy hair.
  • Quel shampoing clarifiant choisir ?

    Which clarifying shampoo to choose?

    Are you looking to wash your hair thoroughly without damaging it? What you need is a clarifying shampoo! More powerful than mild shampoos for regular use, the clarifying shampoo allows a real capillary "reset". In this way, you can benefit from a healthy basis for your subsequent care.
  • La vérité sur la pousse des cheveux

    The truth about hair growth

    Sometimes we feel like our hair is not growing. Know that if this were really the case, we would be bald!
  • Zoom sur les protéines

    Focus on proteins

    Well known to athletes for the maintenance of their muscle mass, proteins are also essential for the good health of our hair!
  • La vérité sur la porosité

    The truth about porosity

    With the return to nature movement, new words have appeared. One of the best known and taken over? Porosity!
  • Les tresses au fil

    Wire braids

    Wire braids are a hairstyle and a method to reduce shrinkage.

    Widely adopted in sub-Saharan Africa, wire braids protect the hair and retain length.
  • "L'huile n'hydrate pas les cheveux elle y contribue" Anna, Fondatrice

    "Oil does not hydrate the hair, it helps" Anna, Founder

    Many will say that “The oil moisturizes the hair”

    Argh, if only this belief could be a joke forever!

    Unfortunately, there are still too many of us who believe it.
  • "Le shrinkage est le signe d'un cheveu en bonne santé" Anna, Fondatrice

    "Shrinkage is a sign of healthy hair" Anna, Founder

    We meet today to talk about... shrinkage.
    Yes, we all know this frustration when we took our time to make a pretty hairstyle. This hairstyle which, once in contact with the elements, no longer seems quite the same..


    “Oh, you have beautiful long hair” “Chaaance, you have beautiful curls” “My frizzy hair is dry, it saddens me”… Many of us hear these expressions, even to be the issuer. Today we invite you to free yourselves from these value judgments which only divide us.
  • Flora & Curl

    Flora & Curl

    From England, the Flora & Curl brand offers natural products without petro-chemical ingredients.
  • Les pointes : une nouvelle approche par Anna, Fondatrice

    Pointe shoes: a new approach by Anna, Founder

    "Instead of cutting your tips every 3 months, do a blood test"

    We often hear “cut your ends every 3 months” in order to guarantee the health and growth of your hair. However, this has no effect on hair growth.

  • Techniques de coiffage pour nos petits avec cheveux crépus

    Styling techniques for our little ones with frizzy hair

    Hairstyling is not often a cakewalk for our little ones.
    Between crying and "mom/dad it's maaal", we are often distraught in the face of this situation. And if it was only a question of method and practice?

    KANITÉ TO Pamper Your Skin

    In order to reconnect with her Malian roots, Kani Konté, creator of Kanité, decided to go to Mali in 2012. There, she discovered the beauty rituals and know-how of Malian women.


    Make way for the West Indian brands and entrepreneurs present at Colorful Black. ⁠


    Also called “kaka kabrit” in Guadeloupe or “kaka sheep” in Martinique, bantu knots are a trend today. However, this hairstyle is much more than that, it finds its roots within the Bantu people.
  • "Le cheveu crépu n'est pas sec à l'origine, il le devient" Anna, fondatrice

    "Curly hair is not dry at first, it becomes so" Anna, founder

    “Frizzy hair is not dry at first, it becomes so”. We repeat “CURLY HAIR IS NOT ORIGINALLY DRY, IT BECOMES SO”. ⁠
  • Comment éviter le "heat damage" ?

    How to avoid "heat damage"?

    You've enjoyed your straightened hair and you can't wait to get your curls back ! You've washed and cared for your hair as usual, but instead of finding slick curls, you notice that the texture of your hair has changed and split ends have appeared...
  • 5 idées pour styler ses cheveux afro courts

    5 ideas for styling short afro hair

    Cut or color, give yourself a touch of originality to style your short afro hair! You may have skipped the Big Shop or short hair is your trademark. Discover now our 5 ideas for short and stylish afro hair!
  • La valise idéale d'une Naturalista en voyage

    The ideal suitcase for a traveling Naturalista

    Afro hair requires a lot of care! If your complete routine is not easily transportable, here we give you tips for traveling light without sacrificing your beauty ritual.
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