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“Oh, you have beautiful long hair” “Chaaance, you have beautiful curls” “My frizzy hair is dry, it saddens me”… Many of us hear these expressions, even to be the issuer. Today we invite you to free yourselves from these value judgments which only divide us.

In the 2000s, the Nappy movement (Natural Hair Movement) emerged with the aim of reconciling us with our textured hair, mainly to relieve us of our frizzy hair.
This complex is a trauma linked to part of the history of a people who for centuries have been enslaved with all that that implies. Added to this are years of oppression within the framework of instituted and institutionalized systems (Jim Crow Law, Apartheid, etc.) ⚖️ which have evolved in the form of contemporary and ordinary racism which results, among other things, in remarks to the against frizzy hair (the sound of pearls on the hair of a little girl who “disturbs” in the classroom, the “lack of professionalism” of a hairstyle…).

This movement aspired to restore our confidence, to accept our hair, to unite around self-love. However, a classification of the hair has been established by the famous hairdresser André Walker:

• straight hair type 1: ➖ from 1A to 1C
• wavy hair type 2: 〰️ from 2A to 2C
• curly hair type 3: ➰ from 3A to 3C
• type 4 frizzy hair: ➿ from 4A to 4C

This is where the problem lies. Yes to find yourself in the big hair families (straight, curly, frizzy) but NO to the hierarchy from 1 to 4 and to these variations from A to C.

If we often talk about colorism, which refers to discrimination based on different skin tones mainly targeting dark skin; texturism takes up this same process. Texturism is therefore the discrimination against frizzy hair. Hair approaching Euro-Western standards being more appreciated.

Value ALL hair types. What matters is not the perfect curl but a healthy hair!

Flora & Curl

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